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Naaju Rorrete's Booklikes Page

Bloggers and reviewers, ARCs from Nothing Like Paris (Bend or Break, Book 2) From Amy Jo Cousins are available!

ARCs of Nothing Like Paris (Bend or Break, Book 2) From Amy Jo Cousins are available for reviewing requests. If you'd like to request a digital ARC, please click this link and fill out the form.

I just joined Booklikes!

Hi, everyone! I'm glad to join this reader community, because before I ever dream of writing stories, I was a reader  (a book addict, really).

I don't write book reviews, because as an author I think is better to leave the feedback to those readers who aren't writers themselves. That's my personal opinion on the matter. As for reviews, they are always deeply appreciated. I want to take a moment to say, thank you, to all those readers that took the time to let me know what they think about my books.